Earth day are celebrate today. Happee Birthday Mother Earth, we, all your childrens are getting naughty for making you 'sad' and then 'angry'.
we can do a simple thing to reduce the effect of global warming. well, global warming is absolutely main topic in this day. many big countries, espacially USA who didnt want to ratified Kyoto Protocol, even those protocol will be expired in a copule years (ehm let me count, if i didnt mistaken :) )
but however, beside those big countries, we can help our mother earth by:
^ do not throw trash in the street, try to separate kind of trash-is that an organic, inorganic
^ plant a tree, you can plant fruit tree, so you're not also greener this earth but also you can eat the fruits, right? :)
^ use public/mass transportation, well, it might be hard for some people cuz, however we still cannot find yet a comfortable, cheap, and fast transportation like in developed countries.
^ or you can go around with bicycle, i like to cycling :) i love to do that, but now, i dont have one here :( so i used mass transportation :)
^ dont use a plastic bag, some people said. but lately i can find plastic which degradable easily. we can use that.
but will be better if we use bag from drapery. that's much bettercuz we can wash that.
the key are just 5r, reuse, recycle, renew, replenish and also restore.
i also still trying, lil by lil...
from a few person to many...
let make our Mother health, happee (so she wont be angry to us), love her and then she'll love us...